Average Inspection Scores by Month by Service Location Report

Average Inspection Scores by Month by Service Location Report


Today we will go over how to run the report for Average Inspection Scores by Month by Service Location. To find this report, you will go to Reports. Click on Reports, then click on Average Inspection Scores by Month by Service Location.

You will want to select the service location you would like to run the report on. Select a Start and End Date. Here you have the opportunity to choose a PDF report format or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet report. Select this in the drop down menu. You can also choose the output to be your services for areas or tracking items, if you use them — whichever you prefer.

Select whether to pull the information from External inspections, which are inspections your employees and clients both can see, or Internal, which only you and your employees see. If you would like to pull from both, simply select Internal and External.

You may also choose whether to include the information from partial inspections and pull in when the services are rated N/A, or non-applicable, or Default by choosing to select either one.

Click on View Report and the report will generate!

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