Create a Sublocation Service Assignment Template

Create a Sublocation Service Assignment Template

What is a Sublocation/Service Assignment Template?

Sublocation Service Assignment templates, or SSA Templates, are a great way to segment a large building into manageable pieces and make inspections in large buildings go a lot faster. With an SSA template, you’ll see all the right services listed in all the right sublocations or sections as you go and avoid issues such as repeat services.
Please be aware that in order to complete an SSA, you will already need a job template and a sublocation template for your specific location. Please review these articles if needed before proceeding.  Create a Job Template and  Create a Sublocation/Section Template

Let's Get Started

To begin, click on the Admin tab.  In the first section, we’ll select  Sublocation Service Assignment (SSA) Templates , and then click  New Sublocation Service Assignment Template  on the right above the search results list.

Name your template something that will help you remember it. Typically, an  SSA  will be specific to a location, so it’s common to name the template after the location it will be assigned to. Now we need to select the  job template  or  templates  we want to take from, as well as the  Sublocation template  that applies to our building. We can do this quickly by selecting our building from the  Quick Select by Service Location  button—this will automatically bring in all the sublocation templates and job templates from whatever location you choose. Once you've selected the service location from the dropdown that opens up, click the Select button and then click Done

All the services from the job template or templates you selected will appear in the left pane, while the sublocations and sections from your sublocation template will appear on the right. A toggle at the bottom of the screen will allow you to switch between assigning services and unassigning them.

On the left side, you can filter your services by service, area, frequency, and/or functions. 

On the right side, you can filter by sublocations, sections, and (while unassigning) services.

Once you have all the services on the left that you want to assign to one or more sublocations or sections on the right, you can click the large Assign button at the bottom.
In this example, we have filtered all the restroom area services on the left and all the restrooms on the right so we can easily assign the right services to the right rooms.

We recommend saving frequently so your page doesn't time out. Most people will save after assigning all the services from one area type to a set of sections like we have above. You will find the Save button at the top of the page.

Once you have assigned all of the services needed to the appropriate sections, be sure to click Save one last time before clicking the Back button at the top of the page. This will take you back to the search results page where all the Sublocation Service Assignment Templates are listed. From this page, click the Assign link next to your SSA template to assign it to the appropriate location.

Assigning and Unassigning SSA Templates

When you click on the Assign link in the SSA Templates Search Results page, you get a few groupings of service locations.

The first list that may show up is  Current Service Locations Assigned. This list will allow you to unassign this template from any location where it is currently being used by checking the box next to it and then clicking save. If there are no locations with this SSA template assigned, then this list will not populate. This is the only list where if you check the box it will unassign this SSA Template from the service location.

The second list that may show up is  Service Locations Not Assigned With Matching Sublocation/Section and Job Templates. This list will only show up if there are locations where you have already assigned the appropriate sublocation/section template(s) as well as the appropriate job template(s) used in the SSA but where you have not already assigned this SSA template. This and the following lists will assign the SSA Template to any locations you check once you click the Save button.

The third list that may show up is  Service Locations Not Assigned Without Matching Sublocation/Section and Job Templates. This list will show any locations where this SSA has not been assigned and where either the Sublocation/Section Template and/or the Job Template used in the SSA have also not been assigned. If the service location you want to assign this SSA template to is found in this list, you will also need to assign the appropriate Sublocation/Section and Job template(s) before the SSA will work.

The fourth list that may show up is  Service Locations Assigned To Another SSA Template With Matching Sublocation/Section and Job Templates. This means that you have created another SSA template with the same Job and Sublocation/Section templates in use with this SSA template and have already assigned it to a service location.

The final list that may show up is Service Locations Assigned To Another SSA Template Without Matching Sublocation/Section and Job Templates. Locations in this list not only are missing the needed Sublocation/Section and/or Job Templates, they also have been assigned a different SSA Template.

Once you have selected all the service locations you want to assign or unassign this SSA template to/from, click the Save button at either the top or bottom of the page.

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