Custom Question Templates Overview

Custom Question Templates Overview

Video Transcript

Custom Questions can be used in many parts of the software. Inspections, work orders, and surveys just to start. In this video, we’ll briefly discuss how to set up custom questions.
To start, we’ll go to the Admin tab and click Custom Question Templates under the Other section. Click New Custom Question Template on the right-hand of the screen.
Give your template a name that will help you recognize it. If it’s going to be a client or mobile survey, you may want to include some instructions in the Special Instructions/Heading section; otherwise, you can leave that blank. If you want only internal employees to see this survey, you can check the box next to Internal.
Next, you’ll need to choose at least one category under View Under. The article will go into more detail about what each of these options does and when to use them. For this video, we’ll just choose Inspection—this will allow us to see these questions each time we perform an inspection.
Below, we create the questions individually. We have several question formats available to us: 
  1. Text, for a short or long text input
  2. Radio, which allows the user to choose one option among several
  3. CheckBox, which allows the user to choose multiple options among several
  4. DropDown, allos the user to choose one from a drop-down list
  5. Selection List, which shows the user a list of options to choose from, and
  6. Numeric Only Input, which is essentially a text box that only accepts numbers.
When you’ve chosen a question format, you’ll be taken to a new screen. Write your question prompt, mark if it is required, and add any possible answers that may be necessary.
When you’re finished, click Save. You’ll see your new question towards the bottom of the page.
You can add as many questions as you need. You can also change the order of the questions using the Change Question Order function.
Once you are finished, click Save in the upper or lower right corner. Learn more in the accompanying article about how you’ll assign and use it.


View Under

While creating the custom question template in the video, we set the “View Under” setting to Inspection. As you can see from the image below, this is only one of several possible options that can be set for a Custom Question Template. In this section, we will go over what each option is and when to use them.

Per Service Location Work Order

This option is best if you only want these questions asked in work orders for specific Service Locations. Remember, these types of templates must be assigned to a Service Location before they can be used in Work Orders. 


Under this heading there are several options.

  • Client Work Order – New (and/or Reply)
    This means that ONLY when a client contact user creates or replies to a work order within Otuvy QM, they will be able to answer the questions whenever they create or reply to a work order for the service location that the template is assigned to.

  • Internal Work Order – New (and/or Reply)
    This means that ONLY when an HR user creates or replies to a work order within Otuvy QM, they will be able to answer the questions whenever they create or reply to a work order for the service location that the template is assigned to.

  • Work Order – New (and/or Reply)
    This means that BOTH Contact users AND HR users will be able to see and answer the custom questions whenever they create or reply to a work order for the service location that the template is assigned to.

  • Work Order – Tracking
    This option is a bit different than the others in this category. Rather than answering the custom questions while creating or replying to a work order, the questions assigned the “Work Order – Tracking" option will be found in the Custom tab for the work order and will only accept one answer submission per work order. This is helpful for tracking indicators like satisfaction within an individual work order. Anyone, HR or Contact, with access to the custom tab in the work order system will be able to see and answer the questions found there.

Per Service Location

Remember when I said that the video used the “Inspection” option, well this is where you will find that along with Client Surveys and Service Location Fields. As with the service location work order options, you will need to assign a custom question template with any of these options selected to a service location for it to work.

  • Client Survey
    This is a special type of survey that can be sent out to all client contacts that have been assigned to either a service location or an org chart division that provides them with access to that service location. Once the Custom Question Template has been assigned to the service location, simply navigate to that service location’s page, scroll down to the Surveys section and click Send Contact Survey Invite to the right of the Client Surveys header.

    Additionally, a contact with permissions to the Survey tab in their user settings and the ability to see the service location has the option to perform the survey without being prompted. They just log in to Otuvy QM, click on the Surveys tab and select the service location from the dropdown.

  • Inspections
    As was discussed in the video, selecting this option will allow an HR user to see and answer the custom questions while they are doing an inspection for a specific location.

  • Service Location Fields
    These aren’t actually used to ask/answer questions. They are meant to provide additional information about the service location when that information isn’t covered by the fields available in the main information or other existing fields. They appear on the service location page like so.

    They are filled out when you edit the main information for a service location where the template has been assigned.

Per Message Type

These options, like the options per service location work orders, allow you to ask custom questions in a work order. Unlike the service locations, however, rather than assigning these custom questions to a specific service location, you assign them to message types so they will always show up for that given message type. 

  • Client Message Type – New (and/or Reply)
    This means that ONLY when a client contact user creates or replies to a work order within Otuvy QM of the assigned message type, the custom questions will be visible in the custom tab of the work order.

  • Internal Message Type – New (and/or Reply)
    This means that ONLY when an HR user creates or replies to a work order within Otuvy QM of the assigned message type, the custom questions will be visible in the custom tab of the work order.

  • Message Type – New (and/or Reply)
    This means that BOTH Contact users AND HR users will be able to see and answer the custom questions whenever they create or reply to a work order of the assigned message type, the custom questions will be visible in the custom tab of the work order.

  • Message Type – Tracking
    This option is a bit different than the others in this category. Rather than answering the custom questions while creating or replying to a work order, the questions assigned the “Message Type – Tracking" option will be found in the Custom tab for the work order and will only accept one answer submission per work order. This is helpful for tracking indicators like satisfaction within an individual work order. Anyone, HR or Contact, with access to the custom tab in the work order system will be able to see and answer the questions found there.

Per Record Type

These will allow you to create special information fields for the various record types. There is no need to assign these custom question templates, they will automatically appear on the records selected and can be filled out while either creating or editing the main information for the following record types.

  • Client Fields

  • Contact Fields

  • HR Fields

  • Service Provider Fields

By Mobile Survey Configuration

One of the most commonly used options for Custom Question Templates, the mobile survey option allows anyone with a smartphone and the correct QR code to take a survey. It is great for getting feedback from not only your own clients but their customers as well. For information about setting up mobile surveys, check out this helpful video and article. Remember, for mobile surveys to work you must select this option, assign the template to the appropriate Service Location, sublocation or section and generate the corresponding QR code to be scanned. You can learn more about mobile surveys in Setup a Mobile Survey

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