Integrating Otuvy QM and Otuvy Frontline Accounts

Integrating Otuvy QM and Otuvy Frontline Accounts


Otuvy QM is a quality management software designed for managers and supervisors to inspect the quality of services performed by their teams. Otuvy Frontline is intended for assigning tasks to frontline workers, enabling them to complete their work on time with the ability to provide pictures and notes as proof. The integration between Otuvy QM and Otuvy Frontline streamlines the process of addressing service deficiencies identified during inspections. When an inspection in Otuvy QM flags any deficiencies and a work order is created, a corresponding list is generated in Otuvy Frontline. Each deficiency becomes a task in the list, complete with any pictures or notes from the inspection. Once all tasks in the list are completed in Otuvy Frontline, the deficiencies are marked as corrected in Otuvy QM, and the work order is automatically closed.


To utilize this integration, you must have:

  • An Otuvy QM admin login
  • An Otuvy Frontline admin login

Integration Steps

Step 1: Log into Otuvy Frontline Admin Portal

  1. Open your web browser and go to Otuvy Frontline Admin Portal.
  2. Enter your Otuvy Frontline admin credentials to log in.

Step 2: Navigate to Otuvy QM Integration

  1. Once logged in, locate the main navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on Otuvy QM Integration

Step 3: Log into Otuvy QM

  1. On the Otuvy QM Integration page, you will find on-screen tools to log into Otuvy QM.
  2. Enter your Otuvy QM admin credentials to connect.

Step 4: Select a Default List Owner

  1. Choose a Default List Owner who will receive all the inspection deficiency lists. The default list owner has the following options:
    • Make Assignments: Assign the tasks to specific employees.
    • Share the List: Share the list with multiple employees to execute the tasks.
    • Change List Ownership: Visit the admin portal to transfer list ownership to another admin who can then make assignments and share the list.

Step 5: Connect Otuvy QM and Otuvy Frontline

  1. After setting the default list owner, scroll to the bottom of the page.
  2. Click the big green Connect button to finalize the integration.

Integration Settings

After clicking "Connect," you will be taken to the Otuvy QM Integration > Settings page. Here, you can configure three settings:

  1. Auto-generation of deficiency checklists: Toggle this setting on or off to control whether the integration generates checklists in Otuvy Frontline for any inspections with deficiencies found via Otuvy QM. This setting is off by default to allow for individual location setup with different default list owners.
  2. Auto deficiency checklists for new locations: Toggle this setting on or off to control whether new service locations created in Otuvy QM will start generating checklists immediately in Otuvy Frontline. This setting is off by default. It is recommended to keep it off until you have properly set up your locations in Otuvy QM and assigned the default list owner in Otuvy Frontline for each location.
  3. Default List Owner: This setting shows the system default list owner chosen during the initial integration setup. You can update this default list owner here. This Otuvy Frontline user will be the default list owner for any location's inspection lists unless otherwise set in the locations page.

If you need to disconnect your integration, you can do so at the bottom of the Otuvy QM Integration Settings page.

At the top of this screen, you will find two tabs:

  • Settings: This tab is highlighted because you are on the settings page.
  • Locations: Click this tab to navigate to the Otuvy QM Integration > Locations page. You can also access that page using the "Locations" option in the main navigation to the left.

Locations Page

On the Locations page, you will see all the service locations from your Otuvy QM account, grouped by client. Here, you can:

  • Toggle auto-list generation for each location on or off.
  • Set the default list owner for each location to ensure the appropriate Otuvy Frontline user is automatically assigned as the owner for any lists generated from inspections performed in Otuvy QM.

Once you've set up all the locations with the proper default list owner and determined whether you are ready for those locations to start generating auto-lists, you can go back to the Otuvy QM Integration > Settings page and turn on the option Auto-generation of deficiency checklists to start creating those lists in Otuvy Frontline.

Post-Integration Process

With the integration successfully set up, any inspections that generate work orders with deficiencies in Otuvy QM will automatically create corresponding task lists in Otuvy Frontline. You can then assign these tasks to your frontline employees to address and correct the deficiencies. Upon completion of all tasks in a list, the deficiencies will be marked as corrected in Otuvy QM, and the work order will be closed automatically.

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