Job Scheduling

Job Scheduling

Video Transcript

In this video, we’ll be talking about the job scheduling calendar. We’ll also walk through creating events step by step.
To get to the job scheduling calendar, go to your Locations tab and click the location you need to schedule an event for. Keep in mind that job schedule calendars are unique from one location to another. 
In the location record, scroll down until you reach the Job Schedules section, and click on one of the positions listed under Position Type. If no calendars are available, you can create one by choosing a position from the drop-down and then click New.
Now we see the calendar for this location. Since we want to create a new event, we’ll click on Add Event in the upper left above the calendar. We can also accomplish this by double-clicking the date the event needs to happen on.
A pop-up will appear with several tabs. 
In the Event Details tab, we’ll give the event a name. If needed, you can add more details for the event in the Description box. Below, we can choose the date and the duration of the event, as well as a color for its display. Check the Internal box if you don’t want your clients to see this event.
We use the Frequency tab if we want this event to reoccur. From the drop-down, select the frequency that you want for this event. The options are Only Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly by Date, Monthly by Week, and Yearly on Date. We want this to happen every second Friday of each month, so we’ll fill out the information accordingly. You can put a stop date here as well if needed.
Next, let’s look at the Notifications tab. Here you can customize when notifications for this item come to your employees. Keep in mind that notifications for this event can only come to people whose position name matches the position type for this calendar. We can choose None for no notifications; Default settings, which are set up in the Position Type settings; or Custom settings, where we can choose a specific time frame. For example, if we set the interval to 2 hours, our employees will receive a notification by email two hours before the event is scheduled to take place.
Moving on to the Work Order tab. The information on this tab determines if or when this item will create a work order to be completed. Like the Notification tab, we have the options of None, Default settings, or Custom settings.
Finally, under Items Scheduled, we can choose in finer detail what we want to add to this event. We can select None, Services, or Scheduled Items. Services will display services attached to this location through a job template and sublocation template. Scheduled items, which you can set up on your Admin page, may be displayed here as well. For this even, though, we won’t be assigning any additional services.
Finally, click Save. Now you have the tools to create regular events in your job schedule calendar!

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