Lists Overview in Otuvy Frontline Mobile

Lists Overview in Otuvy Frontline Mobile

Lists Page

Task completion in real-time.  The list page will give you a 30,000 foot overview to see your team completing tasks.  This is especially helpful for managers who manage multiple floors, locations, or projects.  A manager can check the progress in real-time to ensure employees are keeping pace. They can also forecast when an employee is almost ready for more work, reducing wasted time between groups of tasks or projects.

When you first log into Otuvy Frontline Mobile, you are brought to your lists page. If you have no lists shared with you or no tasks assigned to you, your lists page will be empty with a prompt to Tap the "+List" to add a list
This article goes into detail about the lists page. To see all the ways you can create lists and tasks, see Creating Lists in Otuvy Frontline Mobile

You can navigate back to this page at any time by tapping the Home icon at the bottom of the screen.

What Lists Can I See?

All users will see lists that:
  1. They created themselves
  2. Others have shared with them
  3. Others have assigned tasks for them to complete
If a coworker sees a list that you don't see in the app, this means that someone else has created the list and has not shared it with you or assigned any tasks to you from the list. Learn more in Managing Lists and Tasks in Otuvy Frontline Mobile

Progress Bar

The progress bar gives you the high level, real-time view of how much has been completed. The avatars and initials under the progress bar tell you who has been assigned at least one task in the list.

By clicking on the +Person icon  you can assign all tasks in the list to a single individual quickly.

Searching for and Pinning Users

When assigning or sharing lists and tasks to users the Assign task toAssign list to, and Share list with pages will sort the users in your company alphabetically. You can search these pages to find the needed users.  If you have a team of users you frequently assign tasks to or share lists with, you may benefit from pinning the user. Doing this will keep them at the top of the list. To do this when sharing or assigning a list/task:
  1. Find the users you frequently assign/share lists and tasks with
  2. Tap the Pin icon next to their name
  3. Tap Done

Searching Through Lists

You can easily search through your lists using the magnifying glass. Just start typing the list name you are looking for and the results will filter below.

If you have filtered the results by searching, you can easily clear the search by tapping on the X next to the search input field.

Lists Page Menu

At the top of the page is an ellipses menu next to the magnifying glass (that's the 3 dots)

In this menu you can do the following.
  1. Scan QR Codes tied to specific lists to navigate directly to those tasks
  2. Sort by...sorts your lists view by the following
    1. Due Date: First upcoming or oldest due date first
    2. Recent Activity: This filtering will adjust the order based on what was worked on last, whether that is assigning a task, adding notes, completing a task, or creating a brand new list.
    3. Creation Date:This is the default view. The most recently created list will be on top and the oldest list will be at the bottom
    4. Name: Alphabetically sorting the lists can help especially if you put numbers or prefixes at the beginning to have things grouped together and ordered just the way you want.
  3. Show/Hide Completed Lists toggles whether to show or hide lists which have reached 100% completion 
  4. Show/Hide Archived Lists toggles whether to show or hide archived lists
  5. Select Lists allows you to multi-select lists to...
    1. Assign Lists to a specific user. This assigns all tasks in the selected lists to the chosen user.
    2. Share Lists with multiple users. This allows multiple users to see and complete tasks on the selected lists
    3. Duplicate Lists makes a copy of the list with all of its tasks
    4. Archive Lists archives the selected lists without completing the incomplete tasks in the list
    5. Delete Lists deletes the lists so they can't be worked on anymore. This is permanent and cannot be undone. Deleted lists can still be reported on.

List Drawer Menus

List owners can swipe a list to the left to see 2 buttons revealed, kind of like opening a drawer.

  1. Delete: This is the red trash can. If you tap this you will be asked to confirm if you want to delete the list.
  2. Ellipses: These are the 3 dots. In this menu item you can:
    1. Assign List: Assign the list and all tasks in it to a single person
      1. This will make the list show up in other people's lists page if they don't already see it
    2. Share List: Share the list with several people without assigning tasks to them
      1. This will make the list show up in other people's lists page if they don't already see it
    3. Duplicate List: Create a copy of the list and all tasks inside it.
      1. Duplicating a list copies the entire list but does not share/assign any tasks in the list.
      2. It will also change any completed tasks to incomplete in the duplicate list
    4. Rename List: Renames the list
    5. Archive List: Archives the list so it no longer appears on the lists page. You can still run reports on archived lists and unarchive them for later use.

Admin Users Co-Own Lists

Admin Users logged into the mobile app can also act as co-owners of any list they can see. This means they can collaborate with the original list owner(s) in managing tasks, setting due dates, assigning responsibilities, and other list-related actions.

Next, see all the ways you can create lists and tasks in Creating Lists in Otuvy Frontline Mobile

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