What Is It
Manage Upload Files is a tool where you can review all the files that have been uploaded to your Otuvy QM system from various sources like work orders, inspections, the uploaded files section of the service location records, or even from the manage upload files tool itself. You can also review your SP’s file usage and file limit in this tool.
You can find this tool by first clicking on the Admin tab, scrolling down to the Other section and clicking on Manage Upload Files.
Navigating the Tool
The Manage Upload Files tool can be navigated by either searching for the file name or flipping through the pages of results. Files are sorted by alphabetical order by the file name and split into files assigned to service locations and files attached to messages or work orders.
This is most useful when you know the name of the file or at least part of it. You can change the focus of the search from Local, all of the images on your SP, to Parent SPs if your SP is a child SP to search only in the parent SPs for the file and All in order to search through both your SP and your Parent SP.
The search results are split into Service Location Attached Files and Message Attached Files. In each grouping, a maximum of 10 results is shown per page. To change pages, simply click on the page number you want to go to.
Managing the Files
You can perform six main tasks related to managing these files.
- View – View the details page for the file.
- Edit – Edit the details for the file.
- Assign – You can assign service location attached files to other service locations to easily share the file
- Download – Clicking on the name of the file from either the search results or the details page for the file will download it to your computer or open the file in another tab if it is an image
- Delete – You can only delete files for which you can see (have permission to view) all Service Locations to which they are assigned. That means if the file is assigned to a service location you don’t have permissions to see then you will not be able to delete it.
- Upload New File – This is a great place to upload new files that you need to be assigned to multiple service locations all at once
View File Details
Once you have found the file you want to view the details for, you can click on View in the search results next to the file name.
This will provide you with the Name, Description, Size of the file, who the file was Uploaded By, when the file was Uploaded On and whether or not the file is Internal only.
You can also edit the details of the file from this page by clicking Edit next to the Main Information title or download the file by clicking the Name of the file.
Edit the File Details
To edit the file details either click on Edit from the file details page as explained above or click Edit from the search results page.
While editing the file details, you can change the Description of the file and mark whether or not the file is Internal only. Make sure to click the Save button when you are finished to keep your changes or the Back button to discard them.
Assign the File
To assign the file to various service locations, click the Assign button from the search results page. This takes you to the Assign page which is broken up into various service location lists.
- Current Service Locations Assigned – This will show any service locations that are active (meaning they can be seen in a standard search) which have the file assigned to them
- Current Inactive Service Locations Assigned – This will show any inactive service locations that have the file assigned to them.
- Service locations Not Assigned – These are all the active service locations where the file is not assigned
- Inactive Service Locations Not Assigned – These are all the inactive service locations where the file is not assigned
See the example below:
To assign the file to any of the service locations check the checkbox next to the service location(s) you want to assign it to from the Not Assigned lists. To unassign a file from a location, check the box next to the location name in the Current lists. Again, click the Save button to save and the Back button to cancel.
Delete the File
In order to be able to delete a file, you must be able to see (have access to) all the service locations where the file is assigned. If you want to delete the file, click Delete from the search results page.
You will be asked to confirm your decision to delete the file. To finalize the deletion, click the OK button. To cancel click the Cancel button or the X in the corner of the popup.
Upload a New File
From the search results page, you can also upload new files. This is great if you want to upload and assign a new file to multiple service locations at the same time. To do this click Upload New File above the search results window.
This will bring you to a page where you can upload new files. First, click on the Choose File button to select the file to upload.
Next, you can enter optional File Description/Notes and select the checkbox next to Internal if you don’t want the file viewable by contacts. Then you must select what service location(s) to assign the file to.
Once this is done click the blue Upload button to finish uploading the file. If you want to cancel, just click the Back button.