Open Work Orders in History

Open Work Orders in History

Occasionally, you may have new work orders created for a location you can see and are responsible for but they will be placed into the Work Order History and not the Inbox. Why does this happen and how can this be changed?

Scenario 1: The work order was closed before you saw it in the inbox

In this scenario, you may have not seen the work order come in before another employee or even a contact user closed the work order. Double check the Dialog Status of the work order. If it says the Dialog Status is Filed or Filed by Client then this work order is right where it should be. You can check this by viewing the General tab of the work order in either the web or mobile app.

Scenario 2: I've always seen this location. The work order is in other employees' inboxes, why is this work order in my history?

In this scenario, you've always been able to see and reply to this location's work orders. You may even have work orders for this location before and after the work order in question. You've checked and the Dialog Status does not say Filed. So, why is this one different? The answer could be one of 2 possibilities:
  1. Most likely another employee user upline from you in the SP Organization Chart manually created this work order and forgot to select your name when they were selecting employees to assign this work order to. You can request that they forward the work order to you. Once they do, it will appear in your inbox.
  2. If using message types on your account, you may not have the needed permissions to be assigned work orders with a given message type. If this is the case, you can request that you be given the appropriate message type permissions by your team's admin user (see Using Message Types). Once that is done, another employee who can see the work order in their inbox will still need to forward the work order to you.

Scenario 3: I'm new to this location. I see new work orders in the inbox but not the older ones.

In this scenario, you've either just begun as an employee user in Otuvy QM or you have recently been assigned a new location, possibly to take over new responsibilities. The underlying reason for not seeing the old work orders at a location is the same as Scenario 2. When the work order was created, you weren't available for others to assign the work orders to you. Because of this, you are not a recipient of any of the older work orders. In order for them to be assigned to you, you will need to have them forwarded to you by an employee user upline from you in the SP Org Chart who sees these work orders in their inbox.
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