Perform a Web Inspection

Perform a Web Inspection

Video Transcript

Occasionally, you’ll need to add your inspections from the web instead of the mobile app. In this video, I’ll show you just how to do that.
Start by going to the Locations tab. Search or select the location you need to inspect. Next to its name in the list, click Do Inspection. You can also click the location name to open the record, scroll to the Inspections section and click Do Inspection.
At the top of the page, there are buttons to allow you to jump to specific pages of the inspection, like the mobile app. Just below that, there are several filter options you can use if you wish. If you don’t use a filter, you’ll see the full list of areas and services. For this video, we’ll skip the filters and scroll down to where the services are listed.
To make the inspection go a little faster, we can use the Mark function. This applies one rating to every service, which we can change manually if we see something that’s better or worse than indicated. You can also enter notes for specific services in the box below the service name.
When you’ve finished rating services, press Next. If you have custom questions, you’ll see them here. Make sure you answer the required questions before pressing Next again.
On this screen, you can enter any notes. If you need to mark the whole inspection as internal, click the Internal Options button and place a check mark here and enter your notes if needed.
When we click Next again, you’re shown a brief summary of the inspection and you can review your scores. If it all looks good, click Next the final time. 
When performing a web inspection, it’s not likely that you’ll have a client with you, but if you do, they can use these fields to sign off on the inspection. Otherwise, you can adjust the date and time of the inspection if necessary.
To finish, click Save and Complete.
If for whatever reason one or more services were skipped during the inspection, you’ll have three options before you finish: mark unrated services as the Default rating for your account, mark them as Not Applicable, or mark the inspection as Partial if you intend to come back and finish it later. We’ll select Not Applicable.
Once your inspection is submitted, you can return to the location record to view the results.

Performing a Web Inspection

In situations where you cannot perform an inspection using the mobile app, it’s possible to do an inspection using the web application on a computer. While logged in to Otuvy QM in a browser, navigate to the service location record by going to the Locations tab. Click Do Inspection in the action column for the location.

You can also click the name of the location to open the service location record. Scroll down to the Inspection section and click Do Inspection above the list of submitted inspections.

Across the top of the inspection page there are navigation buttons to take you to different parts of the inspection. The buttons are Services, Custom Questions, General Notes, Summary, Sign Off, Save Progress, and Next.


The Services button will take you to the portion of the inspection where you can rate the services completed. First, you’ll be given the option to filter through the services based on your Sublocations, Sections, and/or Areas, Frequency, Function, or Advanced filters based on services that are already rated or not.

If you are using a Sublocation/Section Template at the location you have inspected, you can use the filters for sublocations and sections. If you are using an SSA (Sublocation Service Assignment) template, the check box next to the option Show specific services assigned to Sublocation/Section will be checked. This will automatically filter your services to the assigned services for your sublocations and sections. If you click to add a check mark here when you are not using an SSA Template, no services will be shown below. To learn more about Sublocation templates and SSA templates, see our Knowledge Base articles Create a Sublocation/Section Template and Create a Sublocation Service Assignment Template.
If you are not using a Sublocation/Section Template or an SSA, you can use the other filter options to further filter the services you see. You can use one at a time or many. 
Choose your filters and continue scrolling down to see your services and begin rating. To make the rating process faster, you can use the Mark function. First select the rating template (if your inspection uses more than one in its job template).

Once you’ve marked all unrated services, you can scroll down through the services to make any changes to scores or add notes to individual services.

Above the filtered services box, you can click the Add More Details/Save button to save your progress of the inspection. Saved scores and notes will be saved as details on the service. You’ll find them by clicking the Details button for that service.

After rating the services in one area or sublocation/section, you can change the filters to see more areas or sublocations/sections to rate or click the Next button in the top right corner. If you need to save your progress and come back to it later, click the Save Progress button then navigate away from the current page.
After clicking Next, you’ll be taken to your Custom Questions that are part of the inspection.
If you do not use Custom Questions during your inspection, clicking the Next button will take you to the General Notes page.

Custom Questions

Custom Question templates can be assigned to inspections at specific locations when you need more information that won’t affect the score of the overall inspection.
Questions can be optional or required. Required questions must be answered in order to submit an inspection. If you navigate through the inspection by using the navigation buttons at the top instead of pressing the Next button, you will need to return to this screen to answer the required questions.

Click Next to continue to the General Notes or click the General Notes button.

General Notes

Notes for the overall inspection should be entered on the General Notes page. You can enter notes into three different categories: Client Notes, Inspector Notes, and Plan of Action.

If you click the Internal Options button on the bottom left corner of the notes box, you can enter internal notes that only HR users will see when the inspection is submitted.

In the pop-up for Internal Notes, you can also check the box at the top to mark the whole inspection as Internal. This will allow you to submit the inspection for internal purposes and only HR users will see the results of the inspection. Click OK to save any internal notes.
Work Orders that are created from an internal inspection will only be visible to HR users. If a contact for that location looks at their message inbox, they will not see it.
After your notes have been entered, click Next in the top right corner to move to the Summary.


The Summary page will show you a summary score of the inspection as you’ve rated items so far. 

The summary shows who did the inspection, the total score broken into two categories, and the notes entered on the General Notes page.
The total score is displayed in a table detailing the final score based on the unrated services and tracking items. If you are not using tracking items, there will be an N/A for both columns under Default and NA. Ending the inspection when there are still unrated services will prompt the system to ask what you want to do with the unrated services.

The scores displayed in the Default column is what the final score will be if you click the Default button in the pop-up.
The default score is determined in the Custom Rating Template(s) that is assigned to the Job Template(s) in use during the inspection. To learn more about Custom Rating Templates, see our article Custom Rating Templates in the Knowledge Base.
The score displayed in the NA column is the final score for the inspection if you click the N/A button in the pop-up at the end of the inspection. When you know that you only inspected part of the building, or there is a reason for not scoring certain services, it’s best practice to click N/A so you do not skew your results by adding scores to services you did not inspect.
Below the Summary box and Notes, you can expand the services to see details on the score given to the services and if the service was scored in multiple sublocations or sections.

After checking the Summary, click Next one final time.

Sign Off

On the Sign Off page on the web application, you do have the option to enter in the details of one of your client Contacts if they are present. Most often, when performing a web inspection, you won’t have a contact with you to enter in their details, so you can skip entering those details. 
You can add a checkmark to the box next to Partial Inspection if you want to submit the inspection as incomplete. Partial inspections do not receive a score and do not show up in your dashboards.
If you need to back-date the inspection because it was performed on a different date or time, you can change the date on this page. The final options on this page are Save Progress and Save and Complete.
If you click Save Progress, the inspection will be saved for later and the results will not be posted in the Dashboard or the Service Location record. Saved inspections cannot be edited by anyone but the person who created it and saved it. You can find saved inspections be hovering over the Locations tab OR the User tab in the top right corner and clicking My Unfinished Inspections
If you click Save and Complete, the inspection will be saved and submitted. You’ll be able see the inspection on the Service Location record immediately, and the Dashboard within 24 hours. Your system will create a work order (if the setting is turned on) that can be used to track the deficiencies that need to be fixed, if any.

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