Position Types

Position Types

Video Transcript

Position Types are a great way to organize your employees so you can see, at a glance, what kind of jobs a specific user should be assigned to. Positions are significant in Job Schedules and the SP Org. Chart.
First, you need to create your position types. Start by clicking the Admin tab, then Positions in the Organization Configuration section. Existing positions are listed in the search results here. To create a new position, click New Position. Name your position, then select the Login Type, either Client or Service Provider. If you select Client, this position will be one you can give to a Contact. You won’t need to worry about the check box next to Directly Responsible for the Service Location, that option is only used for Service Provider positions.
If you select Service Provider, this position will be one you can give to your Employees. An additional box shows up below the Main Information box. In the Default Job Schedule Settings box, you can create the settings for job schedule events that are tied to this position. This position isn’t one that we’ll be using for job schedules, so we’ll leave it as it and click Save.
Now, when creating a new employee, or moving current employees to new positions, this position will be available for assignment.

Understanding Positions

Positions for both employees and contacts help you see at a glance, where a person fits within your organization. Positions are required for all active users, so it’s best to have a good understanding of how they work. 

Employee Positions

Employee Positions are used in the SP Organization Chart and in Job Schedules. They allow you to track the individual job requirements and responsibilities for different employees and can be set up to notify them of new events and newly created job schedules and work orders.
Until a position has a job schedule assigned to it, the position assigned to a user is just a job title inside Otuvy QM and helps you see their placement in your SP Org. Chart.

How to Create an Employee Position Type

Some Position Types are already in your system. To add a new Position Type, start at the Admin page. Click Positions in the Organization Configuration section. From the Positions page, you can either edit an existing position title by clicking Edit next to the name of the position, or you can create a new position by clicking New Position to the right above the list.
When creating a new position, you must provide a Name and a Login Type for the position. Select the Login Type Service Provider to make a position for employees. Add a description, if needed. Only check the box next to Directly Responsible for the Service Location if you will be using job schedules.
The Default Job Schedule Settings box will only show up for a Service Provider Login Type. If you are not using Job Schedules or if this position will not have a job schedule associated with it, you can ignore this box and click Save to create your new position. If you are, you can set default notification and work order settings here.
Click to add a check mark next to Job Schedules Create Notifications if you want the events in job schedules for this position to generate notification emails for employees. Below, you can put in a number for how many days, hours, or minutes before the event you want that notification to be created.
In order to have work orders generated for an event, select either Internal Only or Internal and External next to Job Schedules Create Work Orders. Enter in the number for days, hours, or minutes before the event for the work order to be created. The final option is the Work Order Due Date where you can select if the work order for the event will have no due date or the due date will be the same as the end date of the event. When everything is entered, click Save.
Now your new position can be assigned to new and current employees. Learn more about assigning positions to your employees in the Create an Employee/Contractor Record article.

Contact Positions

Client contacts within Otuvy QM can be organized in the Client Organization Chart. Because Client Org. Charts are simpler by nature, positions will also be simpler. It’s common to have less Contact Position Types than SP Position Types. Common Contact Positions include such examples as Building Manager, Main Contact, Client Rep., etc..

How to Create a contact Position Type

Like the steps above for creating an employee position type, start at the Admin page, then click Positions in the Organization Configuration section. From the Positions Page, click New Position to the right above the list. Name the Position, then, using the drop-down list, select Client for the Login Type. Enter a description if needed.
Notice that the check box for Directly Responsible for the Service Location is blocked. This option is only available for Employee Positions. Click Save. Your new Contact Position Type can be used when creating contacts, or can be added to existing contacts.

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