Recent Inspection Scores by Service Location Report

Recent Inspection Scores by Service Location Report


This video is to show how to run the Recent Inspections Scores by Service Location report, which includes locations that have been inspected, when they were inspected, the inspector and the score.

First, hover over the Reports tab and click Reports. Then under Inspection Reports, click on the Recent Inspections Scores by Service Location report. At the top, you have a drop down menu to choose the Output Type of either PDF Report or Microsoft Excel. We will be showing the PDF Reporttype in this video.

As in most of our reports, you need to choose the date range to pull information from. Below that, you have the option to only include inspections done by a certain person, but I will leave it as All Employees for this example. For Inspection Types to Include, I always change this to External and Internal to make sure to include all inspections, but you can use this to only include inspections your customers can or can’t see, if you’d like.

Next is the option to Include Partial Inspections. If you do, the two options are to label the remaining unrated services as either N/A or the Default Rating according to your Custom Rating Template. The rest of the report criteria is fairly straightforward with options you can include, but we will keep this report pretty basic.

Let’s skip down to Selection Criteria. Like in most of our reports, this is where you choose which inspection info to include. To get the simplest results, I usually either go by Client or Individual Service Locations, but for this example, I will choose Select All.

Scroll down and click View Report. And this is the Recent Inspection Scores by Service Location Report. Here is the location, the date, the inspector and the score.

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