What Do Business Intelligence Dashboards Tell Me?

What Do Business Intelligence Dashboards Tell Me?


The first time you log in to view your CleanTelligent Business Intelligence Dashboards, you’ll be presented with a lot of information. In this video, I will show you how to easily navigate the dashboards and how to maximize the value that they offer.

Here you’ll find your list of dashboards. We’re going to start with the Overview Dashboard.

The Overview Dashboard allows me to see data for all of the service locations that I have access to in CleanTelligent. By default, the dashboard is filtered to show me the last 180 days. At first glance I can easily see my Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These give me a quick idea of how well we’re doing overall.

I can also see inspection trends of the number of inspections per month, and the average inspection score for all my locations. To the right I see my top and bottom clients and if I scroll down, my top and bottom service locations.

Looking at my bottom clients, I see that Al’s Toy Barn has the lowest average inspection score. With one click, I can drill down to take a closer look.

This takes me to the Client Overview Dashboard. You’ll notice that the dashboard looks similar, but it’s now showing me data for only Al’s Toy Barn. I want to know why the average inspection score is so low.

First off, I can see that there have been no inspections performed for the last three months and that the last inspection was much worse than the previous two. Al’s Toy Barn only has one service location, so I see it in the top, and a helpful indicator shows there’s no additional service locations to display in the bottom. So, I know this location is where I need to focus.

Now on my Service Location Overview, I can start to see more details, like individual inspections. Again, if I scroll down, I can often find more useful data. In this case, I can not only see Area Scores, but Service Scores as well, each step giving more detail and a clearer understanding of where we can improve.

It looks like one specific inspection is the biggest culprit here, so let’s check it out.

Immediately when I get to the Inspection Overview Dashboard, I can start to see more detail about a specific inspection. Any one of these charts can be maximized to get a closer look. I can also hover over parts of the different charts to see even more detail.

To take it one step further, let’s get into the nitty-gritty by clicking View Details.

From the previous dashboard, I know that my bottom areas were the janitor supply closet and the stairwells, so I’m going to go ahead and filter my details to only show these areas. Now I’m seeing some of the most critical details from this inspection. Here I can see the inspected service, the rating it received, any notes taken, and a link to the related pictures.

Now that I have a better understanding what’s happening at Al’s Toy Barn, I can make educated decisions on how to improve the service and build a relationship of trust with my client.

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