Work Order Report

Work Order Report


The Work Order Report is the most customizable standard report in Otuvy QM. It allows you to compile and analyze data from your work orders, providing valuable insights for both internal team communications and customer interactions. This article will guide you through locating and configuring the Work Order Report to meet your specific needs.

Accessing the Work Order Report

To find the Work Order Report:

  1. Click on Reports in the main navigation.
  2. Select Work Order Report from the Work Order/Message Reports section.

Configuring the Work Order Report

Before running the report, you need to configure several settings.

 Basic Settings

  1. Output Type: Choose between MS Excel and PDF.
    • PDF: Some features are not available, such as grouping options and attribute selection. However, PDF allows sorting by client, location, etc., on the first page.
    • MS Excel: Allows extensive customization, including grouping and attribute selection.
  2. Grouping (Excel only): Select how to group your work orders:
    • No Grouping
    • Group by client-service location
    • Group by client-service location-sublocation-section
  3. Date Range: Define the period for the work orders included in the report.
  4. Date Range Is For: Choose the date type:
    • Creation Date: When the work order was first created.
    • Due Date: When the work order needs to be completed.
  5. Selection Criteria: Determine which service locations' work orders to include. Options include:
    • By client
    • Individual service location
    • Specific sublocation/section
    • All locations
    • etc.

Specific Work Order Criteria

  1. Work Orders Without a Due Date:
    • Are Never Past Due
    • Have a due date X number of days after creation
  2. Include Origin Types:
    • Work order
    • Client message
    • Service provider (external)
    • Service provider (internal)
    • Client surveys
    • Inspections
    • Job Schedules
    • Mobile Surveys
  3. Include Filing Statuses:
    • Not Filed/Closed (open)
    • Filed/Closed
  4. Include Work Order Statuses: Based on custom statuses in your account, categorized as:
    • Open work order statuses
    • Closed work order statuses
    • Inactive work order statuses
  5. Include Work Orders That:
    • Have a Due Date
    • Do Not Have a Due Date
  6. Include Work Orders That Are:
    • Past Due
    • Not Past Due

Report Appearance

  1. Sort the Report (PDF only): Options include:
    • Client
    • Service Location
    • Creation Date
    • Subject
    • Completion Date
    • Due Date
    • Time to complete after creation date
    • Time to complete after due date
    • Time to complete before due date
    • Open Status
    • Past Due Status
  2. Include the Work Order Message Body (PDF only): Select this to include message details.
  3. Attributes (Excel only): Select and order the attributes for the report. Attributes in the selected column are ordered from top-to-bottom equate the order of columns in the report from left-to-right order. Available attributes:
    • Client
    • Client Priority
    • Dialog Status
    • Due Date
    • Employee Assignment
    • Employee Sign Off Name
    • Supervisor Name
    • Last Updated By
    • Message Body
    • Message Types
    • Sublocation
    • Section
    • Service Provider Priority
    • Time to complete (after creation date)
    • Time to complete after due date
    • Time to complete before due date
    • Work Order ID
    • Service Location
    • Subject
    • Work Order Status
    • Creation Date
    • Completion Date
  4. List of Service Locations:
    • Not Included
    • Included without sublocations and sections
    • Included with sublocations and sections
  5. Include the Report Summary: Select this to include all the settings used to generate the report.
  6. Hide Internal Notes: Select this to exclude internal notes intended for internal use only.

Generating the Report

Once you have configured all the settings:

  • Click View Report to download the report in your chosen format (PDF or Excel).
  • Optionally, click Save Report to save the configuration for future use. You can access saved reports by hovering over the Reports tab and clicking on Saved Reports.

By following these steps, you can customize the Work Order Report to fit your specific reporting needs, ensuring you get the most relevant and useful data from your work orders.

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