Build a Basic Service Provider Organization Chart

Build a Basic Service Provider Organization Chart


The Service Provider Organization Chart, or SP Org . Chart for short, is one of the most important parts of the CleanTelligent software and is referenced in almost all records, so it’s very important for you to have a solid understanding of how it works.

The SP Org. Chart is used to organize your employees and the service locations they are responsible for. If an employee is only responsible for managing certain buildings, this chart will limit visibility to only those buildings when they login. Once built, it will look like a flow chart that should resemble your company hierarchy.

The SP Org. Chart consists of two main pieces: Levels and Divisions. Levels are these columns at the top here, and Divisions are the “bubbles” directly underneath. Remember as you build your chart, the levels and divisions are only placeholders. Putting someone’s name or a client name in as a division or level won’t automatically put that person or place there.

When you click on a division, the division information opens up below the chart. Here, you’ll see three pieces of info that a division can hold: Positions (which refer to employees), Clients, and Service Locations. By putting employees in divisions with certain locations, that makes it so those are the only locations those employees have access to. They will also be able to see information in divisions down-line from them. Alternatively, the employee cannot see info in divisions up-line from them.

Now I’d like to point out a couple rules when building your chart. First, Employees can be in multiple divisions, as long as those divisions are not linked directly up-line or down-line from each other. Second, Clients and Locations can only be in one division.  

Take a look at our chart here. We’ve organized it so we can easily see where our Clients and Locations are, then when we click on a division, we can see the employees who are responsible for them. For example, if you need an employee to see only two of the three National Grocery locations, you would click on one division and assign the employee there, then click on the other division and do the same. But, if they need to see all three, I can just put them in the National Grocery division above them. If they are already added in the lower divisions, you need to remove them, because it won’t let you add an employee in a division above themselves.

Your chart may end up looking very different from this, but that’s OK! If you’d like to review more step-by-step instructions, please refer to the article for building your SP Organization chart!

Understanding the SP Org. Chart


  1. Level - Levels are the column headings at the top of the chart. These are commonly named after hierarchy levels within the organization or, for simpler charts, names to identify what, or who, goes into the divisions in that level.
  2. Division - Divisions are the bubbles in the main section of the chart. Each division contains a place for Employee Positions, Client records, and Service Location records. Client Records and Service Location records can be assigned to only one division at a time. The most important thing to remember about divisions is that they are simply placeholders. Think of them as boxes that don't do anything but hold people or locations.
  3. Up-line - Divisions that are to the left and directly connected by a line are considered up-line from the selected division. Divisions that are up-line are not visible to employees in divisions to the right.
  4. Down-line - Divisions that are to the right and directly connected by a line are considered down-line from the selected division. Divisions that are down-line are visible to divisions to the left.
  5. Position - Positions are assigned to Employees. Employees can have multiple positions in different divisions.

Division Names

Different organizations can have different Org. Charts. It's up to you on how you name your divisions, but one common thing that causes confusion for Admins is naming divisions after employees. When you have turnover and employees leave, it's easy to remember to inactivate a record, but it's not as common to go to the Org. Chart and rename a division, especially when you don't have a replacement for them right away. Generally, we suggest naming divisions after regions, clients, or positions instead.

Position Assignments

Employees are allowed to have multiple positions within different divisions in your Org. Chart. In the picture below, you can see that Cameron Winters has a position in two different divisions. That gives him access to the location(s) that have also been assigned to each of those divisions.

Employee positions can be in different levels, as long as they are not directly up-line or down-line from other positions. In the chart above, Cameron Winters can have an additional position in the Corporate Offices division in the Clients level because it is not up-line from his other positions in the National Grocery divisions in the Locations level.
Remember that the Org. Chart is how you control what location records and or client records your employee can see. Their permission settings are where you can adjust what they can do in the software.

Editing the Org. Chart

Creating a new Level

To create a new level in the Org. Chart, click the New Level button at the top of the chart. Scroll down to see the information box. Enter the name of the Level and a description, if desired. Use the Position drop-down to select where the level will be added. You can add it at the end, or far-right, of your chart or put it between other existing levels. Click Save and refresh the page if you do not see the new level right away at the top of your chart.

Creating a new Division

To create a new division in the Org. Chart, click the New Division button at the top of the chart. Scroll down to see the information box. Enter the name of the division and a description, if desired. Use the Level drop-down to select which level the division will be in. Next, use the Reports To drop-down to select the division that will be directly up-line from the new division.

Assignments Within Divisions

Employee Positions

When an employee record is created, a position is required. But in some cases, one employee may need another position, or they will need to be moved.
To assign a new position to an employee while working in the Org. Chart, first, select the division you will be adding them into. Scroll to the bottom of the chart to see the division information. In the Positions section, use the first drop-down menu to select the Position Type. If the position type isn’t available, select New Position and create a new Position Type. Learn more about Position Types in the Positions article. 

After selecting the Position Type, use the second drop-down list to select the name of the employee. Once you’ve selected the employee, click the Assign Position button. The name of the employee will show up below in the list with the assigned position type.
If the name of the employee you want to assign does not show up in the list, they probably have a conflicting position or their record is inactive. 

If you need to remove a position from an employee, click the Remove Position button next to their position. Vacate Position will also remove a position from that employee, but it will leave the position available in that division.


Client records can be assigned to only one division at a time. You assign Client records to divisions when specific employees need to see the record.
To assign a Client record to a division, first, select the division you want it in, then scroll to the bottom of the page to see that division’s information. In the Clients section, use the drop-down list to select the Client, then click Assign Client. This action will remove the Client record from its previous division and place it in the new division. 

Service Locations

Like Client records, Service Location records can be assigned to only one division at a time. Best practice is to put your service locations at the end of a down-line so that everyone can access the record for things like work orders, inspections, and job schedules.
To assign a Service Location to a division, select the division and scroll to the bottom of the page to see that division’s information. In the Service Location section, use the drop-down list to select the Service Location, then click Assign Service Location. This action will remove the Service Location record from its previous division and place it in the new division.

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