How To Reset Your Password

How To Reset Your Password

Video Transcript

Passwords should be reset regularly when dealing with sensitive information. In CleanTelligent, there are a couple ways for you to reset your password.
To reset your password after you’ve already logged in, you’ll need to go to your User Information. For employees, hover over the person icon in the top right corner of the navigation bar and click User Info in the drop-down menu. Once at your record page, click Edit next to the User Information box. Enter in your current password, then your new password. Don’t forget to confirm it. Click Save to make the change. 
For contact users, start by clicking the My Info tab. If you don’t see this tab, contact your service provider to have them add this permission for you. Click Edit next to the User Information box. Enter in your current password, then your new password. Don’t forget to confirm. Click Save
For all users, if you can’t login and need to reset your password, you’ll click the Forgot Password link on the login screen. You’ll be asked to enter your Username. Remember, your Username must match exactly what is on your record, and it is case sensitive. Once you’ve entered your Username, click Submit and the software will send an email to you with a link to reset your password. These same steps apply for the mobile app.

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