Importing Job Templates

Importing Job Templates

Video Transcript

Job templates are essential for completing inspections, but when you have a unique job template for each location, you’ll want to get them in quickly and easily. In this video, I’ll show you how to do that by using the Import function.

Start by opening the Job Template Import spreadsheet. If you did not receive this from a CleanTelligent representative, you can also find it in the system if you click the Admin tab, scroll down to the Other section, and click Import. You can find all import files here, but for this video you’ll choose Import Job Template, then Sample Import Template to open the spreadsheet.

I’ve already filled out this sheet, but it’s important to know that the column titles in bold are required for an import. Name the job template after the location or client that will be using it so that it’s easy to find. Unlike other template imports, you must already have the Areas, Frequencies, and Functions loaded into CleanTelligent and the spelling must be identical, or you’ll get an error, as we’ll see in a moment. Read the accompanying article with this video for more information on the template and its requirements.

After filling in your template, save it to your computer and return to your browser window and the Import page.  Click Choose File and select the saved file. Click Upload. This page will auto-populate the matching fields from your spreadsheet, carefully check that all fields match. Click Continue.

On this import, I’ve deliberately made an error so that you can see what the error message looks like and know where to start fixing the problem.

If you get this error, don’t panic; it’s extremely common. Go back through and check the fields listed for spelling errors compared to how it’s entered in the system. The most common mistake is that new frequencies and areas need to be entered into the system. You can always enter these in CleanTelligent by clicking the Admin tab and selecting either Area, Frequency or Function. Choose the corresponding field you need to add and then create a new one. 

When everything is corrected, start back at the beginning and act like you are entering a new import. When you get to the final screen, you’ll have an option to review all the data before you confirm. Then you click Import, and you’ve successfully entered your job templates.

Importing from Start to Finish

Job templates are a list of areas and services that have a rating template attached that allows you to perform an inspection where you walk through your locations and score the cleaning job that has recently been performed. Some job templates are simple and can be created manually, but in most cases, it’s quicker to import a job template.

Import Template

Download Template File

To find the import template, start by going to the Admin tab, then click Import in the Other section.

In the Import list, click Import Job Templates. From the first import screen, click the Sample Import Template button to download an Excel file with the proper headings to aid in getting started on your import.

Template Requirements

In the template file, the column titles that are bold are required. They are the Job Template Name, Service Name, Area Name, Frequency Name, and Function Name. The Rating Template column is only required if you do not have a default rating template in your system.

Each of the columns hold different information. Below is a brief description of each:
  1. Job Template Name - The name of the Job Template. If the Job Template will be used for only one location, it’s common to name the template after the service location. If not, you can name it as a type, like Office Building or Retail Store.
  2. Service Name - These are the individual services that are being rated. Typically, services are tasks like dusting or vacuuming.
  3. Service Description - If needed, you can add a description of a service with more details. For example, if the service is High Dusting, a description could be added as “Use extendable pole to dust objects in room above six feet.” This field is optional.
  4. Area Name - The area is where the service takes place. Areas are general, like Restroom, Breakroom, or Office, instead of exact, like Office 101 and Office 102. This helps slim down the job template so you don’t have rooms of the same type with the exact services listed out multiple times. Read our article on Sublocation Service Assignment Templates to understand how to use areas in multiple rooms.
  5. Frequency Name - This is the frequency of the service. Common frequency options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.
  6. Function Name - This is a category for the service. Several services can belong to the same Function, or you can be very specific, like the example below. The function doesn’t affect your services but is part of some reports in the system.
  7. Rating Template - The Rating Template is a separate template that provides the scoring options for the services. If you have a default rating template in your system, this column won’t be required.
See the example below:

When filling in the Job Template, unless you are using it to import multiple templates, the first column will have the same Job Template Name in each row. You’ll also have certain Area Names listed multiple times when there are several services for the same Area.
Unlike other import processes, there are some things in the Job Template that need to exist in your system before the import will correctly upload. The Areas, Frequency Names, and Functions should be created first. These can all be added by finding them in the Job Configuration section on the Admin page.

Import Process

Once your Excel file is filled and saved to your computer, it can be imported into your system. Start on the Admin page and click Job Templates in the Job Configuration section. Click Import Job Templates to the right above the list of existing Job Templates.
You can also reach this page by clicking Import in the Other section on the Admin page, then clicking Import Job Templates from the Import options list.
Click the Choose File button and locate the Excel file you just created. Make sure the check box next to Data has a Header Row is checked. Click Upload in the top right corner.

The drop-down selections will automatically select the matching columns. Double check that they each match, then click Continue.
If you get an error message, please read the troubleshooting section of this article.
If there are no errors, your data will be shown to you on the next screen as an example of how it will look. 

If everything looks correct, click Import to finalize the process of importing your new Job Template. To assign the Job Template to a Service Location, either go to the Service Location record, or navigate to the list of Job Templates. 


There are times when an import template may have mistakes or the necessary information isn’t in the system yet. Times like this, you’ll see an error like the one below.

These error messages will describe in detail what information is incorrect like Areas, Frequencies, or Functions that do not exist, including which rows of your spreadsheet to find the errors in. When importing, these three things must be in your system first, and the job template must match exactly, both case size and spelling.
When the error comes up, it’s good practice to get a screen shot or copy the text on the screen so you can keep track of what errors you need to fix before trying the upload again.
To fix an error, check your Excel spreadsheet first for spelling or mismatching errors before creating new data in your system. If the error is caused because an item isn’t in the system, then create it.
After all errors have been fixed, start the upload process again by starting at the Import Job Template screen. For more help if you continue to get the error message, please contact Support at 801-874-3443 or email 

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